"What God has joined together, let no man put asunder." Weddings celebrate the relationship between a man and woman. 

Wedding ceremonies include a member of the clergy, and friends and family, who witness the couple declare their wish to become husband and wife.

Most family and couples prefer a traditional wedding ceremony.  A traditional wedding begins with the bridesmaids (the bride's close friends) walking down a center aisle to stand next to the altar, followed by the groom's close friends.  The groom follows and waits at the altar for the bride.  The bride enters the room to music and walks toward the alter, escorted by her father, mother, or close family or friend. 

wedding photograph of bridesmaid

Pictured by a grand staircase, the bridesmaid reflects the poise and dignity of a formal ceremony.

At the alter the bride and groom exchange rings and vow to accept each other as husband and wife. The wedding ring is worn, by both the bride and groom, on the third finger of the left hand.

An old wedding superstition says that a bride can ensure good luck by wearing something old, new, borrowed, and blue.  Another superstition is that bad luck will follow a bride and groom who see each other before the ceremony during their wedding day.

Artistic images from the wedding, such as those captured by a wedding photographer, who creates emotional family heirlooms.

Holiday Inspired Art

Hello! in 2013

Celebrating The Holidays:
Art Celebrates The Holidays

History of Art:
Oil Painting

Photography Zones
Gettysburg Address

The New Year
Mother In Law Day
Valentine's Day
St Patrick's Day
Arbor Day
Memorial Day
Flag Day
Independence Day
Christmas Holiday

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